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                Application method of sealing glue for Zhongshan wall washing lamp

                2020-04-11 523

                ¡¡¡¡Use method of sealing adhesive for wall washing lamp:

                ¡¡¡¡1. Prepare glue. This series of glue is a two-component liquid. When using, the two components shall be mixed according to the proportion of 10:1, and the mixing equipment shall be used to fully mix the two components (it must be ensured that the two components are evenly mixed). Note: make sure that the mixing rod and container are clean (not touched with other glue);

                ¡¡¡¡2. After vacuumizing, put the glue into the vacuumizing equipment for vacuumizing treatment. Because the molecular tension of silica gel is small, the bubbles in the vacuumizing equipment are easy to accumulate, and many bubbles can be seen to be discharged violently. So in order to avoid the waste of glue, when vacuuming, try to vent at the vent valve repeatedly;


                ¡¡¡¡3. After the bubbles are removed, the glue can be transported into the professional filling and sealing equipment for drip irrigation;

                ¡¡¡¡4. After the glue dripping, it should be placed for about 5-6 hours. When the surface is not sticky (after the surface is completely dried), it can be packed.

                ¡¡¡¡Zhongshan wall washing lamp http://www.nechinc.com/

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