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                Shenzhen hualinzhiguang Lighting Technology Co., Ltd.

                Founded in 2009, hualinzhiguang is located in the ancient town of China's lamp capital, covering an area of 5000 square meters. Since its establishment, it has been focusing on the R & D, production and sales of LED outdoor lighting products. After years of technology accumulation and experience accumulation, it has owned independent intellectual property rights of optical system, intelligent control system, intelligent drive design system, structural design system and heat dissipation system in the field of LED lighting. Its annual output value has reached more than 50 million yuan.

                Hualin light has always adhered to quality as the foundation and technological innovation as the driving force for development. Hualin light has grown into a professional brand of LED outdoor architectural lighting products, landscape lighting products and a supplier of comprehensive solutions for major projects.

                In the past ten years, Hualin light has created many classic lighting engineering cases. We will, as always, adhere to the professional and dedicated enterprise spirit, provide people with high-quality lighting environment, and light up the city, you and my dream!